Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Two-Week Countdown!

Floyd Wickman Team
The Two-Week Countdown!
We can't wait to see you at Floyd Wickman's Master Sales Society 2014 Winter FORUM.       We've heard lots of questions about how to set a transaction goal for next year, so let's begin at the beginning.
Setting A Goal - STEP ONE
Setting any kind of goal starts with establishing your income goal.
Rather than just picking a random number because it looks big or feels right or sounds important, let's put some thought and research into this, so that your number has some gravity to it.
Start with the basic necessities: food, clothing and shelter for you and your dependents.
Add to that the cost of running your business, from marketing to admin to professional dues, etc.
And there's transportation and education. How much are you investing in your education, or in funding the education of your children?
Now think about funding your retirement. And paying the government.
Are you tithing, pledging or giving to charity?
What else do you want to do next year? Vacations, recreation, hobbies and fun.
And, finally, how much do you need or want to serve that PURPOSE you discovered with the 5 Why's exercise in the Focus Organizer?
Total it up.
This is the number we are converting into closings - and then into sales and sold listings - and then into listings obtained - and then into listing appointments - and then into conversations, numbers dialed and time prospecting . . . so it is the foundation number for all of our planning.
Take your time with establishing this income target. The more reality it has to it, the more power it will have to prevent procrastination and rationalization, the two cleverest enemies of focused, purposeful activity.
If you come to FORUM with the right income goal, we'll help you do all the rest of the calculations so that you start 2014 with clarity. And don't miss our own Jack Alia's all new break out session on Friday afternoon to complete your goal setting steps.
See you in Ann Arbor! Click HERE to register for...
The Master Sales Society 2014 Winter FORUM!
We wish you all Happy Holidays, and your best year ever in 2014!
See you in Ann Arbor! 
Questions? Feel free to email us at ClientCare@floydwickman.com 
or call us at 1-800-910-5351

Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

"When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have."

"When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have."
Stephen Hawking

Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Relationships Are Where It's At

Floyd Wickman Team
Relationships Are Where It's At
If you follow me but I don't follow you (or if I follow you but you don't follow me,) we have an imaginary relationship.
You follow? I think it's called Twitter #mystalker. LOL
If we follow each other and like and comment and share and post and tag, we have a virtual relationship.
As in Facebook. BTW, Procrastinating Paula just changed her Profile Picture. Again!
But if we turn off the screen, leave home, share a ride or a room, 
and meet up in Ann Arbor . . .
And we recite the Master Salesperson Pledge together . . .
And we shake Floyd's hand and have our picture taken with him (to post on Instagram later) . . .
And we share a meal and a laugh and a dream or two together . . .
And we dance and learn and sing and learn some more and role play and learn even more together . . .
And we Applaud the success of others and learn from them together . . .
And we solve problems and get objective advice and share great ideas together . . .
And we get really, really, really focused on our goals for 2014 together . . .
And we get inspired and motivated and re-energized and recommitted together . . .
Then WE have a lifetime relationship. We call it the Master Sales Society Winter FORUM.
January 10-11 at the Ann Arbor Marriott. You're invited. No Klout Score necessary, but shirt and shoes required. (Just kidding.) Click HERE to register!
We wish you all Happy Holidays, and your best year ever in 2014!
See you in Ann Arbor! 
Questions? Feel free to email us at ClientCare@floydwickman.com 
or call us at 1-800-910-5351

Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Three Gifts From Floyd…

Three Gifts From Floyd…

How would you like to open three early Holiday gifts from Floyd? Well, here they are. Just for you. Go ahead, it’s OK.
Gift #1 – A laser beam focus on your goal for 2014
Click here to download the Focus Organizer – and you can:
  • Put your Purpose in to your Goal and your Goal into your Purpose
  • Track your SMART Numbers and quarterly ROCKS
  • Put Floyd’s 11 Step Goal Achieving Checklist into action
  • Develop your selling skills with a self-coaching rating system
  • Turn your weaknesses into strengths
Gift #2 – A foolproof plan for achieving your goal in 2014
Click HERE to download the pre-FORUM worksheet – and you can:
  • Use the “Wickman Formula” for converting your income goal into closings
  • Convert closings into sales and sold listings
  • Determine how many listings, listing appointments and conversations you need to have
  • Stay in control of your prospecting time each week
Gift #3 - Unshakable belief that you can and will achieve your goal in 2014
Listen to Floyd’s powerful message How To Be In Positive Control Of Your Life — Part One and Part Two and you will learn how to:
  • Strengthen your relationships
  • Avoid being manipulated in any situation
  • Show the people you care about most how much you care
  • Put the power of positive affirmation to work for you
But folks, these are just the stocking-stuffers. How would you like to get all of these gifts and much, much more live and in person from Floyd himself, the Floyd Wickman Team, and your most generous and productive colleagues in the Master Sales Society?
A ton of ideas, objective advice, practical solutions, the latest in employing technology, skill building, networking, motivation and inspiration – well, you get the picture.
But you won’t get them at home. So come to Ann Arbor and join us for the annual Winter FORUM. Click HERE to register.
Happy Holidays!
The Floyd Wickman Team

Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!