Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The purpose of business is to fund a perfect life.

The purpose of business is to fund a perfect life.

Let's remember WHY you go to work every provide for the life you choose for yourself and your family. And would you CHOOSE to live a life of ordinary? Certainly not! So work with purpose and intention! Work with the knowledge that something great and grand, as you see it, is meant for you.

We all have the power to create, develop, and manifest our perfect life...and it involves more than just going through the motions to survive and "make a living." Your mind may not acknowledge it yet, but the heart of each person knows that life is boundless, limitless.

So, if you haven't already done so; undo that mindset of limitation and work toward your perfect's out there! Go get it!Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!

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