Thursday, December 20, 2012

Spotlight on Minnesota Artist Bonnie Mohr!

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About Bonnie ~ How It All Began

It’s hard to define exactly what makes farm kids so unique from others. To this day, I remember fond childhood memories of the farm that shaped who I was as a child, and the events that would forever impact me to become the person I am today. Born the second oldest of eight children, to Fredrick and Marianne Bianchi, we lived a normal yet sometimes crazy life, filled with happiness, business, and embraced the labors of life on a dairy farm.
My parents were, and still are ‘salt of the earth people’, to whom I owe thanks and gratitude, for raising us right. They taught us that there is no replacement for hard work, and there is no greater joy or reward than achieving the things you dream of. We learned responsibility at a young age, and the importance of ‘helping each other out’, because that’s what it takes to make life go on the farm.

We learned to appreciate the simple things in life, like seeing a new born calf come into the world, braiding dandelion necklaces, and making mud cakes in our brooder house / playhouse. We were taught to finish our chores before we could play, that flying a kite or a backyard ballgame was just as special as going to the movies, that it’s ok to wear hand-me-downs and garage sale clothes.

I remember hot sultry summer days and stacking hay in the loft of the barn; and then mom would bring us ice tea, sandwiches and watermelon. In between loads, we would do acrobatics and gymnastics on the hay conveyor! We were taught to take pride in our work and be proud of who we are.
My parents were generous and welcoming to anyone and everyone. The examples my parents lived, fostered in me a belief that pride, honesty, integrity, charity and love for life all begin at home. We were rich in togetherness, good times, and pure country living.

Years have gone by, and I’ve now traveled the road of raising our own five children, with my husband John, seasoning our lives with some of the same rituals I grew up with. Our family continues to carry on a traditional lifestyle of dairy farming, enjoying the farm life and country living. I’ve used the courage that I was taught as a child, to become an artist and grow a business of it.

My work is a reflection of who I am, and what I believe. It is simple, and it is truthful! It defines moments, places, and things in life that are good, pure and right. I believe that if you engage your life and everything you believe in whole-heartedly , with conviction, passion and love…..everything else will fall into place.
Thanks for sharing in my journey of creating artwork. My hope is that it will put a smile on your face, peacefulness in your heart, and bring you back home to roots that are forever good.
Kindest Regards,
Bonnie Mohr
Read more about The Artist And Her Accomplishments…………..

Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!

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