Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
Welcome to my Kind Journey Blog! Kind Journey is a place you visit daily for quotes, poetry, stories (and sometimes easy recipes or projects) that are designed to inspire, calm, motivate and educate you on your own life journey. Lisa:-) ~ A little Love Can Change A Life ~ A little Rain Can Straighten A Flower Stem ~ Anonymous
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The days of "do as I say, not as I do" - are over!
Written by Mastin Kipp
What's more convincing... Someone who says one thing and does another, or someone who walks his or her talk? It's easy to know the answer when you read it in my blog. Of COURSE it's the person who is walking their talk - DUH.
But in life, it's not so obvious.
If you REALLY want to inspire people, walk your talk. The days of "do as I say, not as I do" - are over! With the Internet and social media, we live in a world of transparency. No falsities. And why this is GREAT for people on the spiritual path in the spiritual world is that the playing field is level and we can all embrace our humanity.
No one is perfect. No one. Not ONE self-help person you look up to is the perfect image that you imagine them to be. In many ways, those of us who are the "teachers" are the most messed up ones because we have come to teach what we need to learn ourselves.
The good news here is that we can now use our pain, our weakness, our shortcomings and our mistakes, not as more reasons for us to be WRONG, but we can now share them authentically and know that we are not alone. In this allowingness of our humanity, empathy and compassion emerge, as does a sense of connection.
Think about it. If my blog was just a big soapbox for how I thought I was so perfect, it would be total BS and you could see that a mile away. My guess is that the reason why you love my blog so much is that I just tell you my story, my faults AND also my insights and strengths. It SPANS the human experience instead of just reaching for some unreachable height of spiritual perfection that actually denies life itself.
Life is messy. We mess up. We have great moments. We have horrible moments. We have brilliant moments. The goal is to allow and admit them all. To be willing to look bad, silly or goofy. To not aim for perfection, but rather express ourselves as we are, strong, scared and in human form.
So, if you want to inspire someone, do it with who you are BEING, not what you are saying.
How can what you SAY and what you DO link up? Leave a comment on the blog and let me know!
Love from
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
What's more convincing... Someone who says one thing and does another, or someone who walks his or her talk? It's easy to know the answer when you read it in my blog. Of COURSE it's the person who is walking their talk - DUH.
But in life, it's not so obvious.
If you REALLY want to inspire people, walk your talk. The days of "do as I say, not as I do" - are over! With the Internet and social media, we live in a world of transparency. No falsities. And why this is GREAT for people on the spiritual path in the spiritual world is that the playing field is level and we can all embrace our humanity.
No one is perfect. No one. Not ONE self-help person you look up to is the perfect image that you imagine them to be. In many ways, those of us who are the "teachers" are the most messed up ones because we have come to teach what we need to learn ourselves.
The good news here is that we can now use our pain, our weakness, our shortcomings and our mistakes, not as more reasons for us to be WRONG, but we can now share them authentically and know that we are not alone. In this allowingness of our humanity, empathy and compassion emerge, as does a sense of connection.
Think about it. If my blog was just a big soapbox for how I thought I was so perfect, it would be total BS and you could see that a mile away. My guess is that the reason why you love my blog so much is that I just tell you my story, my faults AND also my insights and strengths. It SPANS the human experience instead of just reaching for some unreachable height of spiritual perfection that actually denies life itself.
Life is messy. We mess up. We have great moments. We have horrible moments. We have brilliant moments. The goal is to allow and admit them all. To be willing to look bad, silly or goofy. To not aim for perfection, but rather express ourselves as we are, strong, scared and in human form.
So, if you want to inspire someone, do it with who you are BEING, not what you are saying.
How can what you SAY and what you DO link up? Leave a comment on the blog and let me know!
Love from
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
Monday, July 30, 2012
“Mistakes are the portal to discovery.”
Written by Mastin Kipp
For better or for worse, I have always been someone who takes action. I’ve made A LOT of mistakes, fallen on my face many times, and sometimes even made people angry. I’ve messed up, screwed up, looked bad, made enemies, broken hearts and disappointed people – never because I meant to, mostly because I didn’t understand the effect of my actions on other people.
There have also been MANY positives to taking action, namely that I am living INSIDE of my dream and I am also happy and fulfilled. I view ALL the mistakes I’ve made as lessons helping me hone my craft, become more empathetic and bringing me one step closer to actualizing my dreams.
The consistency my whole life is that I have always been a person of ACTION. My action hasn’t always been accurate, precise or correct. I’ve made a TON of mistakes. I’ve messed up.
But Joyce reminds us, “Mistakes are the portal to discovery.” I don’t know why I’ve always known this, but I’ve always had the belief that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. (this OBVIOUSLY doesn’t apply to illegal activities). But it DOES apply to the rest of life. Risk taking. Following my dreams. But not just thinking about it. DOING IT.
I ended up with egg on my face plenty. I even messed up so bad once that I couch surfed for almost two years to recover. That was a ballsy choice. But I really believe that those ballsy choices are the choices that The universe respects. And it is the ACTION that is the bridge between dreaming about something and actually LIVING our dreams.
And not perfect action – action with the understanding that it won’t be perfect. Sure, you will be judged and criticized by people – but most often people who are not taking action. It’s EASY to be a critic, very difficult to be a DOER. And you will hardly ever be criticized by those who are doing. They may compete with you, but that is the stuff that makes you better.
Taking action with the understanding that you are going to mess up… taking action with the knowledge that you aren’t going to get it right, taking action knowing that you MUST and course correct as you go – THAT is what dreams are made of.
Tony Robbins calls it MASSIVE ACTION. That is to say, DOING A LOT OF STUFF EVERY DAY FOR A LONG TIME IN THE DIRECTION OF YOUR DREAMS. Not once, not twice, not a hundred times, but UNTIL it happens. Action IS the bridge between dreaming about it, and living it.
And don’t sweat the mistakes or the criticism, it will pass and what will change is you will get smarter, better and wiser every day. The critic never built anything that stood the test of time. Only those wise enough to appear the fool temporarily are the ones to eventually become the masters.
What mistakes can you let yourself make today? Leave a comment on the blog and let me know!
Lisa Ekanger Your Preferred Realtor!
For better or for worse, I have always been someone who takes action. I’ve made A LOT of mistakes, fallen on my face many times, and sometimes even made people angry. I’ve messed up, screwed up, looked bad, made enemies, broken hearts and disappointed people – never because I meant to, mostly because I didn’t understand the effect of my actions on other people.
There have also been MANY positives to taking action, namely that I am living INSIDE of my dream and I am also happy and fulfilled. I view ALL the mistakes I’ve made as lessons helping me hone my craft, become more empathetic and bringing me one step closer to actualizing my dreams.
The consistency my whole life is that I have always been a person of ACTION. My action hasn’t always been accurate, precise or correct. I’ve made a TON of mistakes. I’ve messed up.
But Joyce reminds us, “Mistakes are the portal to discovery.” I don’t know why I’ve always known this, but I’ve always had the belief that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. (this OBVIOUSLY doesn’t apply to illegal activities). But it DOES apply to the rest of life. Risk taking. Following my dreams. But not just thinking about it. DOING IT.
I ended up with egg on my face plenty. I even messed up so bad once that I couch surfed for almost two years to recover. That was a ballsy choice. But I really believe that those ballsy choices are the choices that The universe respects. And it is the ACTION that is the bridge between dreaming about something and actually LIVING our dreams.
And not perfect action – action with the understanding that it won’t be perfect. Sure, you will be judged and criticized by people – but most often people who are not taking action. It’s EASY to be a critic, very difficult to be a DOER. And you will hardly ever be criticized by those who are doing. They may compete with you, but that is the stuff that makes you better.
Taking action with the understanding that you are going to mess up… taking action with the knowledge that you aren’t going to get it right, taking action knowing that you MUST and course correct as you go – THAT is what dreams are made of.
Tony Robbins calls it MASSIVE ACTION. That is to say, DOING A LOT OF STUFF EVERY DAY FOR A LONG TIME IN THE DIRECTION OF YOUR DREAMS. Not once, not twice, not a hundred times, but UNTIL it happens. Action IS the bridge between dreaming about it, and living it.
And don’t sweat the mistakes or the criticism, it will pass and what will change is you will get smarter, better and wiser every day. The critic never built anything that stood the test of time. Only those wise enough to appear the fool temporarily are the ones to eventually become the masters.
What mistakes can you let yourself make today? Leave a comment on the blog and let me know!
Lisa Ekanger Your Preferred Realtor!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
What Do You Want…That You Already Have?
What Do You Want…That You Already Have?
Easy, right? More love, money, time, tenderness, play, money, comfort, power, freedom, culture, entertainment. You can get really specific with particular areas of your life, like, “I want to laugh more with my man.” Or, “I want an additional $500 every pay period.” Or, “I want to spend more time in nature.” Or, “I want a friend to tell my big dreams to.”
I’m a raving fan of wishing and want-lists. But the downside is that wish lists can distract us from what’s already working in our life. And when you notice how rich you already are, you tend to prosper more.
Go through your wish list and next to each want, think about where you already have that quality or experience in your life — you might have to dig deep to find it. That’s okay. You’ll find it somewhere. Even if it’s just a speck.
“I want to laugh more with my man.” = Sally makes me laugh my ass off at least twice a week. Jack at work is good for a giggle everyday. (Action note to self: Call Sally more. Thank her for making me laugh. Hang out with Jack at the water cooler.)
“I want an additional $500 every pay period.” = I got money back from income taxes! I get a paid holiday next week. Now that I work at home on Fridays, I save $100 bucks a month on train fair and lunch out. (Affirmative note to self: my money/energy flow is increasing.)
“I want to spend more time in nature.” = Even though I work under fluorescent lights and haven’t been hiking all year, I’m bringing flowers to work this week, sleeping with the windows open, sitting on my balcony to say prayers every night before bed. (Action note to self: book that hike in NOW. No excuses.)
“I want a good friend to tell my big dreams to.” = My journal, my dog and my deaf grandma are all great listeners. I can tell them anything and everything about my dreams and they don’t judge me. (Affirmative note to self: even if I don’t have a best friend who gets me, life hears my dreams. Every single one.)
Here’s what happens when you find evidence of dreams come true in your current reality (even if it’s a stretch to do so):
: you take the neediness vibe out of your aspirations, and when you’re less desperate you think more clearly and act more calmly
: you muster up gratitude (and gratitude is a form of empowerment)
: you might realize that you’re further along than you’ve been giving yourself credit for (hello confidence!)
# # #
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!I’m a raving fan of wishing and want-lists. But the downside is that wish lists can distract us from what’s already working in our life. And when you notice how rich you already are, you tend to prosper more.
Go through your wish list and next to each want, think about where you already have that quality or experience in your life — you might have to dig deep to find it. That’s okay. You’ll find it somewhere. Even if it’s just a speck.
“I want to laugh more with my man.” = Sally makes me laugh my ass off at least twice a week. Jack at work is good for a giggle everyday. (Action note to self: Call Sally more. Thank her for making me laugh. Hang out with Jack at the water cooler.)
“I want an additional $500 every pay period.” = I got money back from income taxes! I get a paid holiday next week. Now that I work at home on Fridays, I save $100 bucks a month on train fair and lunch out. (Affirmative note to self: my money/energy flow is increasing.)
“I want to spend more time in nature.” = Even though I work under fluorescent lights and haven’t been hiking all year, I’m bringing flowers to work this week, sleeping with the windows open, sitting on my balcony to say prayers every night before bed. (Action note to self: book that hike in NOW. No excuses.)
“I want a good friend to tell my big dreams to.” = My journal, my dog and my deaf grandma are all great listeners. I can tell them anything and everything about my dreams and they don’t judge me. (Affirmative note to self: even if I don’t have a best friend who gets me, life hears my dreams. Every single one.)
Here’s what happens when you find evidence of dreams come true in your current reality (even if it’s a stretch to do so):
: you take the neediness vibe out of your aspirations, and when you’re less desperate you think more clearly and act more calmly
: you muster up gratitude (and gratitude is a form of empowerment)
: you might realize that you’re further along than you’ve been giving yourself credit for (hello confidence!)
# # #
Danielle LaPorte
Saturday, July 28, 2012
“Telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
If you think might makes right, you’ve got it all wrong -
I got a call the other day from a woman who had seen my posts in The Daily Love community and I thought her issue would be a good concept to share with you. Oftentimes, when I get the call, people are already at their wit’s end with a situation. As you might expect, people don’t really think about fire prevention until there’s a full-blown inferno. Of course you CAN wait until you have a big unresolvable problem if you like playing with fire…but I don’t recommend it.
The bridge is burning -
The young woman on the phone was distraught because very early in her relationship with her boyfriend, he asked her a question that she found way too personal for that stage in their relationship. Rather than set a boundary and speak her truth, she did what many people choose to do instead…she lied. Sure enough, the relationship continued and somewhere down the line, the truth was eventually revealed. As you might expect, he called her on her story.
If honesty is the best policy, why do people choose Plan B?
The lady on the phone was definitely remorseful about getting caught in her lie…and, as is often the case, once trust is broken, it’s hard to get it back. In fact, it was especially hard to get it back with her boyfriend. That’s because he chose to be especially unforgiving and use her indiscretion to continually and habitually punish her. By the time she called me, the guilt and shame were almost unbearable.
There’s a problem with that strategy…
This issue came up for one reason and one reason only. This young lady didn’t have the self-esteem to speak her truth when it mattered. That makes it especially unfortunate that her intimate partner – the man who should be her rock and greatest supporter – chose to take back the upper hand by tearing her down.
Real men don’t bully -
I can certainly understand that her boyfriend would have some strong emotions about her dishonesty…but his bullying response is not only ineffective…it’s incredibly ill-conceived. You can’t take back power at someone else’s expense (especially when they don’t have any power to spare) and expect to have a deep and rewarding relationship. Real men don’t push people down. They lift them up. Plus if you take a tiny half step back, it’s easy to see that he just taught his girl that honesty equals massive and ongoing pain that doesn’t end. It doesn’t take a genius to see that won’t work.
Where do we go from here?
In order to turn this around, we’ll need to do some self-esteem work on the woman and create a new, more compelling future. We’ll get clear on what kind of relationship she really wants and we’ll help her move toward it by taking back her power. As I told her on her initial call, “You’ll never make yourself weak enough to make someone else strong.” The good news is – people usually attract EXACTLY what they need and without experiencing enough pain about this situation, it’s not likely she’d muster up the drive to change it.
How do I handle a bully?
While my caller didn’t have the strength to stand up to her boyfriend under the circumstances, that’s not an issue for me because I’m not emotionally entangled. Of course I could judge him and confront him, but I already know that would surely fail. However, as long as I align with what he wants and offer him a better way, guys actually respond very well to my coaching. That’s because I usually understand them better than they understand themselves. I know they’re wired to analyze and solve problems, so I just show them how to win the game, become a hero and do it quickly, effectively and efficiently. That’s a pretty irresistible combination in a man’s world.
What did we learn here?
George Orwell famously said that “telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” That is especially true in this situation because there are essentially two kinds of growth. One is evolutionary growth where a person expands into new possibilities as a result of their soul’s yearning for more full and complete self-expression and actualization. The other type is revolutionary growth and that usually comes about as a result of challenge and struggle.
Love your partner. Love the truth.
I hope the lesson you will take away here is a new and strengthened resolve to speak the truth…YOUR TRUTH…even when it feels difficult. Remember it’s a lot easier to maintain trust than to regain it. And I hope you will also remember that the most beautiful gift you can give – or receive in a relationship – is a commitment to the truth that is every bit as strong as your commitment to your partner.
# # #
Dave Elliott is A Relationship Coach
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
I got a call the other day from a woman who had seen my posts in The Daily Love community and I thought her issue would be a good concept to share with you. Oftentimes, when I get the call, people are already at their wit’s end with a situation. As you might expect, people don’t really think about fire prevention until there’s a full-blown inferno. Of course you CAN wait until you have a big unresolvable problem if you like playing with fire…but I don’t recommend it.
The bridge is burning -
The young woman on the phone was distraught because very early in her relationship with her boyfriend, he asked her a question that she found way too personal for that stage in their relationship. Rather than set a boundary and speak her truth, she did what many people choose to do instead…she lied. Sure enough, the relationship continued and somewhere down the line, the truth was eventually revealed. As you might expect, he called her on her story.
If honesty is the best policy, why do people choose Plan B?
The lady on the phone was definitely remorseful about getting caught in her lie…and, as is often the case, once trust is broken, it’s hard to get it back. In fact, it was especially hard to get it back with her boyfriend. That’s because he chose to be especially unforgiving and use her indiscretion to continually and habitually punish her. By the time she called me, the guilt and shame were almost unbearable.
There’s a problem with that strategy…
This issue came up for one reason and one reason only. This young lady didn’t have the self-esteem to speak her truth when it mattered. That makes it especially unfortunate that her intimate partner – the man who should be her rock and greatest supporter – chose to take back the upper hand by tearing her down.
Real men don’t bully -
I can certainly understand that her boyfriend would have some strong emotions about her dishonesty…but his bullying response is not only ineffective…it’s incredibly ill-conceived. You can’t take back power at someone else’s expense (especially when they don’t have any power to spare) and expect to have a deep and rewarding relationship. Real men don’t push people down. They lift them up. Plus if you take a tiny half step back, it’s easy to see that he just taught his girl that honesty equals massive and ongoing pain that doesn’t end. It doesn’t take a genius to see that won’t work.
Where do we go from here?
In order to turn this around, we’ll need to do some self-esteem work on the woman and create a new, more compelling future. We’ll get clear on what kind of relationship she really wants and we’ll help her move toward it by taking back her power. As I told her on her initial call, “You’ll never make yourself weak enough to make someone else strong.” The good news is – people usually attract EXACTLY what they need and without experiencing enough pain about this situation, it’s not likely she’d muster up the drive to change it.
How do I handle a bully?
While my caller didn’t have the strength to stand up to her boyfriend under the circumstances, that’s not an issue for me because I’m not emotionally entangled. Of course I could judge him and confront him, but I already know that would surely fail. However, as long as I align with what he wants and offer him a better way, guys actually respond very well to my coaching. That’s because I usually understand them better than they understand themselves. I know they’re wired to analyze and solve problems, so I just show them how to win the game, become a hero and do it quickly, effectively and efficiently. That’s a pretty irresistible combination in a man’s world.
What did we learn here?
George Orwell famously said that “telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” That is especially true in this situation because there are essentially two kinds of growth. One is evolutionary growth where a person expands into new possibilities as a result of their soul’s yearning for more full and complete self-expression and actualization. The other type is revolutionary growth and that usually comes about as a result of challenge and struggle.
Love your partner. Love the truth.
I hope the lesson you will take away here is a new and strengthened resolve to speak the truth…YOUR TRUTH…even when it feels difficult. Remember it’s a lot easier to maintain trust than to regain it. And I hope you will also remember that the most beautiful gift you can give – or receive in a relationship – is a commitment to the truth that is every bit as strong as your commitment to your partner.
# # #
Dave Elliott is A Relationship Coach
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Why does the finish get all the glory?
Sometimes I want to fire my guardian angel.
What I mean by this: As far as praying to God goes, I’m more about looking inside for inner guidance — tapping into our own abundantly powerful inner resources — which, I suppose, is where some might say God does indeed reside.
Which reminds me of one of my favorite cartoons . . .
Two sock puppets are talking to each other. One sock puppet says to the other: “Sometimes I wonder if there is a hand.”
I believe we are our own inner hand — the godly power resides within each of us to create the lives we desire –no matter what the challenges!
That said, I also believe it doesn’t matter where your “godly guidance” comes from — deep inside you or high above. What does matter is that you take the time to seek meaning and purpose during your times of trouble.
Why do some REALTORS® outsell others ten to one?
St. Clair has arrived! Bustling, active and lively – the city has transformed itself into one of the Blue Water Area’s hottest places to live. A variety of pubs, restaurants, shops, and walking paths scatter the downtown area, making St. Clair a great choice for quality of life, culture and entertainment. Access to the St. Clair River & Pine River fronts highlight the recreational amenities of Michigan’s own Blue Water Area. You will also appreciate the close proximity to Detroit, Canada & The Greater Thumb Area – each located within a 3 hour drive from downtown. St. Clair is undeniably the place to be in S.E. Michigan. Filled with energetic, hardworking, and playful individuals, the St. Clair community is an ideal spot to call home ~ it is hip, comfortable and convenient!
And you have arrived at the right place. Lisa Ekanger is known for her personalized services & for going above and beyond just selling a home. She believes that in achieving a goal, you must be knowledgeable, organized and willing to work hard at providing the desired results.
Why do some REALTORS® outsell others ten to one? They negotiate the best deals, list the best homes, have the largest network of buyers looking for homes, and market properties more effectively, both on the web and off. Lisa's website enjoys strong ranking and receives thousands of unique visitors each month, so it is easy to understand why people come back to her again and again.
She makes it easy for Sellers & Buyers.
And that’s why Lisa Ekanger sells more homes. Its all about results!
And you have arrived at the right place. Lisa Ekanger is known for her personalized services & for going above and beyond just selling a home. She believes that in achieving a goal, you must be knowledgeable, organized and willing to work hard at providing the desired results.
Why do some REALTORS® outsell others ten to one? They negotiate the best deals, list the best homes, have the largest network of buyers looking for homes, and market properties more effectively, both on the web and off. Lisa's website enjoys strong ranking and receives thousands of unique visitors each month, so it is easy to understand why people come back to her again and again.
She makes it easy for Sellers & Buyers.
And that’s why Lisa Ekanger sells more homes. Its all about results!
Lisa Ekanger Your Preferred Realtor!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
When external things no longer define you, then you are free.
There is nothing wrong with having money and enjoying things. Don’t think that poverty is some high spiritual virtue. Money is simply energy and a form of exchange that allows you to facilitate various experiences in life on the earth plane.
When you truly realize that everything material that you accumulate is transitory, then it frees you up to be able to let it go. To use it, share it, experience it, but not attach to it. Then you can be free to have it or not have it. The external things no longer define you. Then you are free. And in this freedom is a profound abundance.
You are abundant whether you have millions in the bank or pennies.
The real question is: How do you feel about yourself?
How do YOU feel about YOU?
Loving yourself is real abundance. It’s not something you can purchase, but comes from recognizing your innate worth and value just because you ARE.
Take a look within yourself and your life and feel the amazing blessings that you have and that you are. We are so very blessed.
So whether you have a lot or a little, ask yourself…
Can I let my heart be open to this moment’s surprise, meeting it with wide-eyed, childlike curiosity?
Can I celebrate all that I AM and all that I AM not with a smile?
Can I give everything for love regardless of no guarantees or the outcome?
Can I allow myself to be happy for no reason whatsoever, celebrating the privilege of being alive?
THIS is living abundance.
You are infinite.
You are love.
You are freedom.
Abundance is your birthright.
It’s what you are.
Live it.
Lisa Ekanger Your Preferred Realtor!
When you truly realize that everything material that you accumulate is transitory, then it frees you up to be able to let it go. To use it, share it, experience it, but not attach to it. Then you can be free to have it or not have it. The external things no longer define you. Then you are free. And in this freedom is a profound abundance.
You are abundant whether you have millions in the bank or pennies.
The real question is: How do you feel about yourself?
How do YOU feel about YOU?
Loving yourself is real abundance. It’s not something you can purchase, but comes from recognizing your innate worth and value just because you ARE.
Take a look within yourself and your life and feel the amazing blessings that you have and that you are. We are so very blessed.
So whether you have a lot or a little, ask yourself…
Can I let my heart be open to this moment’s surprise, meeting it with wide-eyed, childlike curiosity?
Can I celebrate all that I AM and all that I AM not with a smile?
Can I give everything for love regardless of no guarantees or the outcome?
Can I allow myself to be happy for no reason whatsoever, celebrating the privilege of being alive?
THIS is living abundance.
You are infinite.
You are love.
You are freedom.
Abundance is your birthright.
It’s what you are.
Live it.
Lisa Ekanger Your Preferred Realtor!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Delight your sense of living in this welcoming home in St. Clair.
Fantastic St. Clair residence offers the ultimate refuge from your hectic world. This beautiful 5 bdr, 3000 sq. ft. home is located in the heart of St Clair & is within walking distance of this charming city. Stunning turqoise water views ...are enjoyed from the boardwalk & a covered porch allows you to expand your living enjoyment from inside to out. Well-appointed, high end custom finishes & features include: tile and wood flooring, extensive (never painted) origial wood work throughout. The main level offers a huge gourmet eat-in kitchen which showcases custom cabinetry & stainless steel appliances. There is an adjacent large formal dining room with a original wood & tile fireplace
that as been cnverted to gas. The kitchen is adjacent to a large family room & perfect for entertaining w/ access to the back deck & 25,000 gallon heated In-Ground Swimming pool. The Family Room is tied w/ an Executive office/Library that features custom shelving and built-ins There is also a Formal Living Room w/a grand open spindle stairway. The fantastic third Level is roomy & perfect for that cozy winter retreat ~ it features a beamed ceiling and the 2nd gas fireplace. The important enovations
have been done! Newer roof, furnace, GFA, C/A, windows, kitchen & heated pool! Finish your day in your exquisite house where your double wooded & private lot leads you to your private heated pool to swim under a clear Michigan night sky:-) Delight your sense of living in this welcoming home in St. Clair. Call me for your private showing today! Lisa E 810-357-8404
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!that as been cnverted to gas. The kitchen is adjacent to a large family room & perfect for entertaining w/ access to the back deck & 25,000 gallon heated In-Ground Swimming pool. The Family Room is tied w/ an Executive office/Library that features custom shelving and built-ins There is also a Formal Living Room w/a grand open spindle stairway. The fantastic third Level is roomy & perfect for that cozy winter retreat ~ it features a beamed ceiling and the 2nd gas fireplace. The important enovations
have been done! Newer roof, furnace, GFA, C/A, windows, kitchen & heated pool! Finish your day in your exquisite house where your double wooded & private lot leads you to your private heated pool to swim under a clear Michigan night sky:-) Delight your sense of living in this welcoming home in St. Clair. Call me for your private showing today! Lisa E 810-357-8404
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
Most of us are good "starters" but poor "finishers" of everything we begin.
"8. PROCRASTINATION. This is one of the most common causes of failure. "Old Man
Procrastination" stands within the shadow of every human being, waiting his
opportunity to spoil one's chances of success. Most of us go through life as
failures, because we are waiting for the "time to be right" to start doing
something worthwhile. Do not wait. The time will never be "just right." Start
where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and
better tools will be found as you go along.
9. LACK OF PERSISTENCE. Most of us are good "starters" but poor "finishers" of everything we begin. Moreover, people are prone to give up at the first signs of defeat. There is no substitute for PERSISTENCE. The person who makes PERSISTENCE his watch-word, discovers that "Old Man Failure" finally becomes tired, and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with PERSISTENCE.
9. LACK OF PERSISTENCE. Most of us are good "starters" but poor "finishers" of everything we begin. Moreover, people are prone to give up at the first signs of defeat. There is no substitute for PERSISTENCE. The person who makes PERSISTENCE his watch-word, discovers that "Old Man Failure" finally becomes tired, and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with PERSISTENCE.
10. NEGATIVE PERSONALITY. There is no hope of success for the person who repels people through a negative personality. Success comes through the application of POWER, and power is attained through the cooperative efforts of other people. A negative personality will not induce cooperation."
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Trust in promise of joy, it is your birthright."
"Do not worry
about how you will make it all work. Just focus on how you feel and go towards
those things that bring forth joy. When you are living in your joy, the Universe
is living joyfully through you. When you are living a life of fear, the Universe
is dying and becoming smaller. Remember you are a child of the Universe and
everything the Universe provides is abundant. The sun shines rays of joy, the
bird sings a song of joy, the tree joyfully grows to provide shade and keep the
air clean. Everything has a purpose and when we are living in our joyful purpose
we will be supported because the Universe loves joy. It takes a little bit of
time to go from fear to joy, but if you stay steady and keep the course you will
at last come to see that your joy can be your reality. Trust in promise of joy,
it is your birthright."
- Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
- Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Don’t Give Up Your Dreams!
Don’t Give Up Your Dreams!
Focus your attention on the things that make life worth living. Look at publications that uplift you. Read spiritual books that inspire you. If you watch television and movies, try to expose yourself to heart-opening, thought-provoking media. For goodness sakes, do not read the newspaper. We already know that the human condition is full of challenges. There is no need to compound those challenges by focusing our attention en masse upon the worst parts of our society. If you cannot let that go because you feel that your livelihood is connected to it, then be disciplined in what you read so that you only ingest the parts that you must and you will limit the negative effect upon your life.
Look for sources of information, which contain hope, love and possibility within them. Work to make your life better. Work to help the people around you and to make their lives better. If everyone did that, we would have a world of peace in a few weeks.
Be unapologetic in your positivity even in the face of dire circumstances. Even when it seems that there is no way out, insist that there is one and that you just cannot see it at that moment. Though you may not have an answer now, be secure in the knowledge that there is an answer to every question you can ask. You may need to develop patience to wait out periods of “darkness”. Know that the light always comes.
Do not misunderstand the Human condition and how difficult it is. It is challenging to be a human being because of the interplay between our own desires and the rules of The Uni-verse. We die, for example. That’s a tough one for us. We lose loved ones and must navigate through sadness, anger, jealousy and grief. These things are not a theory. We all experience them and we are here, in part, to support each other as we go through the hardest parts of our lives.
We are also here to celebrate each other. To look upon another person’s success with excitement and awe is a blessing. Do not let jealousy and envy overcome you. Be excited for other people who find success and, inspired by their example, continue to pursue the things that mean the most to you. Think how you feel when watching an Olympic athlete win a gold medal. Do you sit there thinking, “Wow, I can’t believe it is not me up there,” or are you in awe of the discipline that it must have taken for that person to get to that place. For me, it is inspiring to see someone obtain excellence, even mastery in something. That makes me want to become excellent at the things I am working on. Though we may never obtain mastery, it is our pursuit of mastery that matters.
When you do experience negative emotions regarding other people’s accomplishments, deal with them in the moment. How? See how your emotions are directly related to some work within yourself that still needs to be addressed. When you encounter envy, take it to mean that there is something you are being asked to do that you are not yet doing. It is the Uni-verse’s way of nudging you to put you “on task” and it actually has nothing to do with the person or situation you are envious of. With patience and humility, you can acknowledge someone else’s successes while at the same time using the feeling of envy to fuel your own efforts.
Do not be misguided in this world. Learn how to listen to your own heart. Develop an inner compass through the ancient practices of yoga, meditation and prayer. Learn about yourself. This will require you to be quiet and to focus your attention within. You will need to spend some time alone. This does not mean time in front of the television, computer or even lost in a book. I am speaking about time spent in quiet reflection, prayer and meditation. Do you know how to do these things? If you do not, then take some time to learn. The story of my life can be summed up as follows: on those days when I meditated and practiced yoga, I felt connected to what really mattered. On those days when I did not meditate or practice, I felt less connected to what really mattered. I do not know how to put this any more plainly. Start your practice today and you will find that the pursuit of your dreams, in and of itself, will become a wonderful, magical journey that is worth living for.
I say these things to you as a recovered drug addict who had lost myself completely to hardcore drug addiction.
There was a time when I could not imagine a day without using drugs. I was not really living. Each day was another experience of just how powerless I was to do anything of value for myself much less others. I wanted to stop and a thousand times I made that commitment, but it only resulted in more sadness and frustration.
Yet, somehow, even in the midst of my worst drug abuse, I never gave up my hope of learning to live a better life. I had no idea how this was to happen, but I still wanted it deep within. What I was missing was the pathway, support and love I needed to get better from the profound, unseen things that plagued me. When I was blessed with the right teachers and the willingness to listen to them, the light flooded into my heart and I found recovery.
Don’t give up your dreams no matter what happens. Keep trying. Keep looking. Persevere. Bring whatever positivity you can to the struggle and it will build upon itself. As the famous poet, Rainer Maria Rilke wrote, “Live your questions now, and perhaps even without knowing it, you will live along some distant day into your answers.”
I wish that for you.
In Love and Gratitude,
Tommy Rosen
Saturday, July 21, 2012
This Is What Life Looks Like When It’s Working!
This Is What Life Looks Like When It’s Working!
by Chris Assaad on July 21, 2012
Now… How would you feel about the experience if the rollercoaster just went straight, slow and steady the whole time? No big hills or dips, no twists and turns, no bumps and bounces, no loop de loops, just predictably straight ahead from start to finish. You’d probably say that the ride sucked and that all the hype was unjustified.
And yet when it comes to life, we complain and conclude that something is wrong when relationships get a little bumpy, when the path we are on takes unexpected twists and turns, when our emotions go up and down, when our dreams bounce us around and go loop de loop. We strive and struggle for perfection and permanence and when life presents challenges and changes, we believe that we are lost or failing.
Perhaps you’re thinking, “Well there’s a big difference between what we want out of life and a rollercoaster!” Is there really? Would you really enjoy a life experience that was always the same, never changing, never challenging you, never pushing you out of your comfort zone? Isn’t that the thrill of living? Isn’t that how we expand and grow? And isn’t that why we go on rides in the first place? To feel the rush of being alive? To have an EXPERIENCE that we’ve never had before?
I’m learning that life isn’t about reaching some arrival point or final destination. We all know where we’re gonna end up and there’s no rush to get there. What it’s really all about is having an amazing experience while we’re here. One that’s expansive, that ebbs and flows, that pushes and pulls us, that challenges us and causes us to feel things we’ve never felt before. Yes, life is about the climb to the top of that hill and the “weeeeeeeeeee” with our arms up over our head on the way down. It’s about loving with everything we have and not holding anything back. It’s about expressing our creativity and our talents fully, and leaving it all out on the stage or the field. It’s about stepping out of our comfort zone and into the unknown over and over again.
So if it feels like life’s kicking you in the ass sometimes or like things aren’t going the way you planned or expected, consider the possibility that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be and that this is what life looks like when it’s working. Say thank you for the experience and remind yourself that life would be boring and empty if there weren’t the challenges and the lessons that come along with them. Instead of resisting the ride, embrace it and acknowledge the gift of uncertainty, of the unknown, of new experiences.
Life is a rollercoaster and we wouldn’t want it any other way. When it’s over, we won’t want to get off the ride and we’ll be begging to take the ride one more time. So maybe you’re on your way up the hill right now and the big dip is coming. Hang in there, stay the course and keep your faith. Before you know it, it will be your time to throw your arms up over your head and say “weeeeeeeeeeeeeee”!
Much love,
The weakest creature.
"The weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish good results while the strongest, by dispersing his effort over many chores, may fail to accomplish anything. Drops of water, by continually falling, hone their passage through the hardest of rocks but the hasty torrent rushes over it with hideous uproar and leaves no trace behind."
- Og Mandino. Mandino was a "sales guru" and the author of the bestselling book The Greatest Salesman in the World.
Lisa Ekanger Your Preferred Realtor!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Pure Michigan Talent Connect!
I can take the next thing that comes along...
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt
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