Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Understanding of how the Law of Attraction works.

A basic principle of the Law of Attraction is that we will bring into our lives what we focus on, visualize, think about and affirm with our words. The Law of Attraction is both powerful and empowering because it helps us to remember we are co-creating our lives rather than just allowing life to happen to us.

BUT, if you make vision boards, surround yourself with affirmation post-its, maintain a journal full of lists or ideal scenes of what you’d like and speak your desires and you STILL are not attracting what you want, there is a flaw with the Law of Attraction.

It’s actually our understanding of how the Law of Attraction works that is flawed, rather than the law itself. It is true that we attract at the level of our own vibration and that are our thoughts and words are extremely magnetic. But the most powerful “attractor” is our belief system. You can create beautiful vision boards and affirm every day that you are available for an incredibly successful, passionate career or a loving relationship.

BUT if you don’t truly believe you are lovable, enough, worthy and deserving … well then attracting that into your life may be more challenging.
I say truly believe because only about 3-5% of our awareness is actually conscious. So what’s the other 95-97%? Those are our subconscious belief systems that create patterns of thinking and behavior. We establish those belief systems at a very young age based on events in our lives, which then get lodged into our subconscious mind and become our programming. It’s that programming that influences our attraction factor.
So here’s the deal: On a conscious, logical level you may totally believe in all your dreams. However, you’ve gotta uncover and let go of some of those deep down subconscious beliefs that contradict what you want in life. I have a seven step process to support you in doing this.

Here are the seven steps to unlocking and releasing a hidden limiting belief:
1. Discover it. It is possible to bring those beliefs and feeling states that linger in the subconscious to the forefront of your awareness. Think about what you want, feel it, then take a journey into your mind with the intention of discovering beliefs that object what you truly desire.
2. Acknowledge it. Once you discover the limiting belief (or beliefs) simply acknowledge it and name it. Be honest and willing to admit the belief is there, regardless of any resistance or frustration that you’ve already “worked” on it. Judging or condemning only reinforces it.
3. Ask it what its Highest purpose is. ALL limiting beliefs have a reason for being there that some part of us believes is helpful. Spend some time reflecting on the belief and asking your Inner Wisdom what the belief’s Highest intention is (hint: it’s usually related to protecting us or keeping us safe in some way).
4. Thank it. After you uncover the Highest purpose of the belief, make sure to thank it for doing its job so well and move into a willingness to let it go.
5. Bust it. Take an inventory of your life and collect data that proves this belief has not always been true. Think about all the ways in which life has proven this belief wrong and use that as evidence to support you in releasing it.
6. Upgrade it. Now that you see the belief isn’t true, it’s time to reframe it and upgrade it to a belief that is more in alignment with what you want to attract in your life.
7. Set an intention and keep your word! In order to create new patterns in your subconscious, it is necessary to consciously reinforce your new beliefs. (learn more about how to rewire your brain here) So when you notice old patterns of thoughts and behaviors, gently bring your awareness to your upgraded belief.
These seven steps will support you in being flawless in your understanding of the Law of Attraction. Again, I share more examples in the video above.
Remember, the Law of Attraction is not a formula or magic wand. Divine timing and our unique life curriculum play critical roles in how our destiny unfolds. It’s not our job to co-create everything – that is part of the magical mystery of the human experience. But here is a guarantee you absolutely can buy into: as you let go of those heavy, untrue beliefs, your vibration will naturally lift and you will experience more love, joy, peace, acceptance and lots of other delicious feeling states.
Here’s to living flawlessly by recognizing that you are absolutely flawless!
“You can change your beliefs so they empower your dreams and desires. Create a strong belief in yourself and what you want.” Marcia Wiede
Lisa Ekanger Your Preferred Realtor!

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