Monday, October 29, 2012

I Should Take The Safe Job Or Do What I Love?

It’s a question millions of people around the world struggle with. When I was first starting my career, I wrestled this hairy beast, too.
Safe job vs. DREAM job.
Do you take the “sure thing” that’s going to pay the bills, or do you take a leap of faith and follow that small voice inside that has a direct line to your heart.
This is an important issue to me because I envision a world where every human being is doing work that is meaningful and rewarding.
Click play and hear my advice to Patrick, who is going through this exact struggle of safe job vs. dream job right now.

Marie's Tweetable: People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it. -Dale Carnegie via @MarieForleo
Not long ago, Josh and I were discussing this very issue as it relates to my step-son.
In his first year of college he was feeling stressed over not “knowing” what he should do for the rest of his life.
Isn’t it strange that we spend so much time in school, and yet we’re never taught how to “figure out” what we should be when we grow up?
Similarly, we’re never given training on how to get what we want once we do know. I’d love to hear your take on this safe job vs. dream job topic in the comments below.
With love,
~Content originally from

Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!

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