If you're human, you've had phases in your life when things are in flux. Maybe you're even in one of the following flux states right now:
Career flux: Feeling that the career ladder you're on is very wobbly beneath your feet.
Love flux: Believing Cupid rhymes with stupid for good reason.
Money flux: Sensing you should rename your Amex Green Card your Red Card.
Maternity flux: Taking baby steps into a whole new life by creating a whole new life.
Home flux: Questioning where you're gonna be resting your weary head in the future
Education flux: Going through first-degree or second-degree college degree brain burn.
Technology flux: Enduring an upgrade you hope won't lead to a breakdown.
Yes, there are many varieties of flux. Yet it only takes two words to describe all of 'em: Flux sucks!
Thankfully, it also only takes two lenses to see your way clearly through flux--a long-term lens and a short-term lens. Basically, if you're enduring an anxious trip into The Land of Change and Uncertainty, a bifocal lens will ensure you better enjoy your travels. How?
A long-term lens will help you keep your eye on the prize of your ultimate goals of happiness and fulfillment, while a short-term lens will help you keep your eyes on your feet so you don't get tripped up by fear.
By seeing both points of focus, you will navigate at your least clumsiest and most wisest -- making decisions from your most confident self.
Unfortunately, people sometimes can get stuck viewing flux with only one lens, which creates problems. For example, if you only view flux with short-term vision, you'll be focusing too much on present fears, obstacles, failure and disappointment. As a result, you'll choose habits and thoughts from a low-level place of negativity. Likewise, if you only view flux with your long-term vision, you risk becoming overwhelmed by the gaping distance between what you have now and what you desire in the future. As a result, you can get confused by which steps to take because there appear to be far too many.
However, when you choose to view flux with a bifocal lens, you will reap the benefits of seeing both the first few steps in front of you and the top of your goal illuminated in the distance.
This bifocal view will allow you to better aim your daily steps in the right direction. Plus, when you're bifocally blessed, you will have the happy choice to swap to a different lens when one is needed more than the other.
Lisa Ekanger Your Hometown Realtor!
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